This gallery contains 8 photos.

Remember when you left Gotham? Before all this, before Batman? You were gone seven years. Seven years I waited, hoping that you wouldn’t come back. Every year, I took a holiday. I went to Florence, there’s this cafe, on the banks of the Arno. Every fine evening, I’d sit there and order a Fernet Branca. […]


I am so glad I’m not a gay guy because I think I would have had the biggest boner yesterday.

There was this AMAZINGLY ATTRACTIVE brunette Portuguese/Spanish/Iberian studies lecturer but of Latin American descent with a beard and floppy, curly side-swept hair and I was DYING of ladyboneritis.

When I heard him talk about his wife, however, my lady-boner died.

it’s all about the Latinos.


Sofia was feeling sad so I ordered her a pizza and sent her a picture of a baby tapir

food and baby animals are my default responses to anything

it was the nicest thing anyone’s ever done to me and I’ll never forget this kind gesture 

“so you’re a pretend gay with a boyfriend in Australia?”

“you have the face of a lesbian and dance like one too”

“you sound really bourgeois when you speak French”

Compliments/statements I received last night from my friends, aka the best things anyone can ever say to me.

I also ran into someone I never thought I’d run into, got kicked by Ben the chairman who everyone hates, witnessed  a 10 people fight and got followed by some cretins and almost got beaten up by them.